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Corporation Nothing structure:

President & CEO

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Vice President, Head of Strategy

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Direct reports
General Director of Directors

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     Senior Specialist of Stamps creation

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     Ladder operator

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Director of Reports Enough Long and Complicated

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     Director of useless reorganizations

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     Director of conquering other corporates

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Director of hireing and fireing people

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     Director of Quality Control

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     Executive Director Strategy of Logistics

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They joined us and are happy:

Director of Reports Enough Long and Complicated

Why joined?

I wanna join cos I am cool with this attitude, Dude ...

Spiritual Leader For Nothing

Why joined?

The Corporation Nothing needs a spiritual leader who takes care of any action of Nothing. this is a very responsible position and I take this responsibility in the name of the great development of Nothing. :)

President's Plenipotentiary

Why joined?

I wanna join because this is great idea and I'd love to be an assistant who does nothing!

Vice President & CFO

Why joined?

Jestem palantem

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