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Recently joined Corporation Nothing:

2014-5-29 Jakub joined us taking the challenge of Kierownik ds. Kawy i Ekspresów do Kawy position.

Here is why Jakub has decided to Corporation Nothing:

Bo wolę grać w mafię niż parzyć kawę.

2013-1-3 Tomasz joined us taking the challenge of Chief Training Officer Worldwide position.

Here is why Tomasz has decided to Corporation Nothing:

Five years of coaching people in free-thinking, that cause people to quit their jobs and pursue their life dreams, gives more than enough experience to apply for CTO position.

Exact skills:
- identifying all the work-related bullshit, that people feed to themselves
- preparing the mental antidotes to all corporate intoxication
- elaborating the whole "doing-nothing" methodology, that populates itself without actually doing anything
- supervising the team of trainers, who give best example possible by doing nohing

Answering "why I'm the best for the job", it's simple - Just because. And I'll do nothing to proove that further.

Best regards,

2012-5-2 Olga joined us taking the challenge of Implementation Director position.

Here is why Olga has decided to Corporation Nothing:

I'm occupied with many things but I want something more. Doing nothing seems like a good option.

2012-4-22 Mieszko joined us taking the challenge of Director of department of acoustic phenomenon position.

Here is why Mieszko has decided to Corporation Nothing:

Ever since I first heard a lullaby sung by my father, I knew that I want to dedicate my life to the sounds. Now I have an opportunity to design what comes to your ears. I hope you enjoy it!

2012-4-12 Paweł joined us taking the challenge of Vice President, Head of New Business position.

Here is why Paweł has decided to Corporation Nothing:

Doing nothing is more practical than doing something - you can easier verify if you succeeded :-)

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They joined us and are happy:

General Manager

Why joined?

1. I'm funny (when smoked enough)
2. I like snow (especially Snow White)
3. I love ice drinks (with whiskey mostly)
4. Always wanted to see naked penguins :)
So it looks that this position is especially for me - only ice, snow, wind and penguins to manage... This is what I can handle probably. I'll build very strong position of Corp Nothing on Antarctica based on my personal skills and specific region attributes. I'll build the biggest snowman ever!!!

Implementation Director

Why joined?

I'm occupied with many things but I want something more. Doing nothing seems like a good option.

Director of Overseas Operations, APAC

Why joined?

I believe I will bring international expertise to the production of Nothing and help Corporation Nothing becoming one of the Global players. Grewing up in a coastal Turkish city, close to the beach with warm weather and studying in Italy where I learned "Let's do it tomorrow" attitude, I believe I can help my team excel in doing nothing.

Director of useless reorganizations

Why joined?

Because i like "bigos"

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