General Manager
Why joined?
1. I'm funny (when smoked enough)
2. I like snow (especially Snow White)
3. I love ice drinks (with whiskey mostly)
4. Always wanted to see naked penguins :)
So it looks that this position is especially for me - only ice, snow, wind and penguins to manage... This is what I can handle probably. I'll build very strong position of Corp Nothing on Antarctica based on my personal skills and specific region attributes. I'll build the biggest snowman ever!!!
Implementation Director
Why joined?
I'm occupied with many things but I want something more. Doing nothing seems like a good option.
Executive Director Strategy of Logistics
Why joined?
I have the knowledge how create logistics structure anywhere, and my speciality and manage anything
Vice President, Head of Strategy
Why joined?
Because I wanna create big strategies in order to achieve enormous results. And I want to have important position in great company ;)