Innovation, New Technology Director
Why joined?
I am 28 years old and this is the first job in my life - I think this fact proves that I love doing nothing :)

General Manager
Why joined?
1. I'm funny (when smoked enough)
2. I like snow (especially Snow White)
3. I love ice drinks (with whiskey mostly)
4. Always wanted to see naked penguins :)
So it looks that this position is especially for me - only ice, snow, wind and penguins to manage... This is what I can handle probably. I'll build very strong position of Corp Nothing on Antarctica based on my personal skills and specific region attributes. I'll build the biggest snowman ever!!!

Vice President, Head of Engineering
Why joined?
because every man has to do four important things in his life:
plant a tree, become a father, build a house and...
become the president of corporation!

Director, Head of IT & Security
Why joined?
I am lazy and this seems as a perfect position to further develop this particular skill.
If you have any additional questions please do not hesitate to ask somebody else 'cause I can't be bothered...