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11Global/HQ/Intel OpCenter/Food and Drugs /Testers Share!Copy and paste direct link below and share this position with your friends!

Job description:

This position reports to: Joanna, Director of Reports Enough Long and Complicated

Job requirements


- excellent skills in describing smell, taste and look of food
- good appetite


- ability to tell "Cote de Rhones" wine from West Cap wines after first sip


- english

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12Europe/France/Intel OpCenter/Fashion Trends /French Fashion Team Share!Copy and paste direct link below and share this position with your friends!

Job description:

This position reports to: Joanna, Director of Reports Enough Long and Complicated

Job requirements:


- Good sights, no glasses allowed
- No Dalton disease accepted ( sorry )
- Proven Skills in Photography

- Being a Rainbow Warrior member
- ability to tell "seledine" from "leaf green"

- fluent english and french

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13Antarctica/Afghanistan/Intel OpCenter/Counter-terrorism Team/ Share!Copy and paste direct link below and share this position with your friends!

Job description:

This position reports to: Joanna, Director of Reports Enough Long and Complicated

Job requirements:


- high manual skills in operating remotely UAV ( Unmanned Aerial Vehicle ) DRON over the enemy's territory.
Minimum 10 years of playing PS2 / PS3 required.


- ability to use any wordprocessing software.


- fluent english, pashtun and arabic

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14Europe/Poland/Technical/Maintanance/ Share!Copy and paste direct link below and share this position with your friends!

Job description:

This position reports to: Bartek, Dyrektor Kierowników Działu Technicznego Region Polska Południowa

Poszukujemy kierownika ekipy zajmującej się konserwacją wszelakiego sprzętu mechanicznego.

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15Europe/Poland/Technical/Military/ Share!Copy and paste direct link below and share this position with your friends!

Job description:

This position reports to: Bartek, Dyrektor Kierowników Działu Technicznego Region Polska Południowa

Our corporation needs to be militarised really fast. We need someone who can recruit a team of technicians responsible for the task.

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16Global/Poland/Global Supply Management/Purchasing/ Share!Copy and paste direct link below and share this position with your friends!

Job description:

This position reports to: gabriela, Director of conquering other corporates

Job description: buying unnecessary and expensive supplies for employees who apparently don't need them.

Perfect candidate should be able to:
- read and write in any European language
- negotiate the best price
- make shady business on side with the suppliers

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17Global/Poland/Strategy// Share!Copy and paste direct link below and share this position with your friends!

Job description:

This position reports to: Paweł , General Director of Directors

General Director is looking for the assistant..

If you can read this - you are hired!!!

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I hereby authorise your company to process the attached personal information pursuant to the Polish Personal Data Protection Act of 29 August 1997 (Journal of Laws [Dz.U] No. 133, item 883). Moreover I declare I've acknowledged and agreed the following Terms & Conditions.

18Global/Poland/Strategy/Happy employees are cheap employees/Head Directors of Poland Region Share!Copy and paste direct link below and share this position with your friends!

Job description:

This position reports to: Paweł , General Director of Directors

I want director who can make organization to make General Director happy (and perhaps other employees).

This person must:
- be a happy person
- be a happy person
- be a happy person
- be a happy person
- be a happy person
- be a happy person
- be a happy person
- be a happy person
- be a happy person

if you can do all this - it's your JOB!!!!

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I hereby authorise your company to process the attached personal information pursuant to the Polish Personal Data Protection Act of 29 August 1997 (Journal of Laws [Dz.U] No. 133, item 883). Moreover I declare I've acknowledged and agreed the following Terms & Conditions.

19Europe/Poland/Strategy/Chair Regulations/Head Directors of Poland Region Share!Copy and paste direct link below and share this position with your friends!

Job description:

This position reports to: Paweł , General Director of Directors

Everybody knows that chair is a basic equipment for every office.

We want someone to manage chairs in Corporation Nothing.

APPLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU WILL BE DIRECTOR!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I hereby authorise your company to process the attached personal information pursuant to the Polish Personal Data Protection Act of 29 August 1997 (Journal of Laws [Dz.U] No. 133, item 883). Moreover I declare I've acknowledged and agreed the following Terms & Conditions.

20Europe/Poland/Strategy/Secretary/Head Directors of Poland Region Share!Copy and paste direct link below and share this position with your friends!

Job description:

This position reports to: Paweł , General Director of Directors

i want a secretary.

- make a great coffee
- can buy a cake
- good looking
- can operate coffee machine
- be a woman

- make a coffee for boss
- bring cake for boss
- smiling
- distracting conference attendants

We looking exactly for YOU!!!!

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The Corporation Nothing needs a spiritual leader who takes care of any action of Nothing. this is a very responsible position and I take this responsibility in the name of the great development of Nothing. :)

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Something means finity. Nothing is INFINITY !

President & CEO

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I have created this because I strongly believe how big improvement can be done within nowadays corporations. Let's create the bigest corporation worldwide, do nothing and show everybody it can work out!
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Vice President, Head of Strategy

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Because I wanna create big strategies in order to achieve enormous results. And I want to have important position in great company ;)

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