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They joined us and are happy:

Chief Training Officer Worldwide

Why joined?

Five years of coaching people in free-thinking, that cause people to quit their jobs and pursue their life dreams, gives more than enough experience to apply for CTO position.

Exact skills:
- identifying all the work-related bullshit, that people feed to themselves
- preparing the mental antidotes to all corporate intoxication
- elaborating the whole "doing-nothing" methodology, that populates itself without actually doing anything
- supervising the team of trainers, who give best example possible by doing nohing

Answering "why I'm the best for the job", it's simple - Just because. And I'll do nothing to proove that further.

Best regards,

Vice President, Head of Engineering

Why joined?

because every man has to do four important things in his life:
plant a tree, become a father, build a house and...
become the president of corporation!

Kierownik ds. Kawy i Ekspresów do Kawy

Why joined?

Bo wolę grać w mafię niż parzyć kawę.

Vice President, COO

Why joined?

By joining the exec team of Corporation Nothing I wanted to meet up with the challenge of creating nothing out of of nothing. The ultimate goal for me is to lead Corporation Nothing to become a major player on the Nothing market. Once accomplished I can do nothing for the rest of my life.

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